I am trying to insert insert some rows sharing a row-id and decided to stick with time-based uuids. All documentation i could find explained how to create such a row:
INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (now(), 'Florian')
I'm using DataStax's cassandra-driver
for Node.js to execute my queries (where insertUser
is a string containing the query from above):
var r = await client.execute(insertUser)
The result looks like this:
ResultSet {
{ queriedHost: '',
triedHosts: { '': null },
speculativeExecutions: 0,
achievedConsistency: 10,
traceId: undefined,
warnings: undefined,
customPayload: undefined,
isSchemaInAgreement: true },
rows: undefined,
rowLength: undefined,
columns: null,
pageState: null,
nextPage: undefined }
As we can see there is no id in the result which i could use to create dependent rows.
Is there a Cassandra-idiomatic way to create multiple rows depending on the same id without generating the id local?
You should provide it in your query parameter instead of relying on the CQL now()
function (which returns an UUID v1).
const cassandra = require('cassandra-driver');
const Uuid = cassandra.types.Uuid;
// ...
const query = 'INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)';
const id = Uuid.random();
const options = { prepare: true, isIdempotent: true };
const result = await client.execute(query, [ id, 'Florian' ], options);
The added benefit of generating the id from the client side is that it makes your query idempotent.
The DataStax driver has a rich type system, you can check out the CQL types to JavaScript types representation in this table: https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/nodejs-driver/latest/features/datatypes/