When the user enters the first name and if it is blank or has digit or alphanumeric or has non ascii chars I am not going to insert it into database.
With this code below it does not accept valid input, it works only if I use len
and isDigit
those 2 conditions.
while (len(f_name) == 0 or f_name.isdigit()
f_name.encode('ascii',errors='ignore') or f_name.isalnum()):
Create new user: Y/N ?y
Enter first name: ui
First name cannot be empty or have numeric values
Can someone please explain how to fix this issue? Thanks for your time. Rest of the code is below:
import sqlite3
#connect a built in function to connect or create db
#Create a cursor function which allows us to do sql operations
#This function to check if table exists
def create_Table():
#Check if the table exists or not
crsr.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='phonebook'")
tableSize=len(crsr.fetchall())#will be greater than 0 if table exists
if tableSize>0:
#create the table
crsr.execute(""" Create Table phonebook(
FirstName text NOT NULL,
LastName text,
#check if table got created or not
crsr.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='phonebook'")
tableSize = len(crsr.fetchall()) # will be greater than 0 if table exists
if tableSize > 0:
print('Table was created successfully')
#This function will create new users and insert in DB
def create_User():
while True:
rsp = input('Create new user: Y/N ?')
if rsp == 'y':
f_name = input('Enter first name: ')
# First name cannot be empty or have numeric values
while (len(f_name) == 0 or f_name.isdigit() or f_name.encode('ascii',errors='ignore') or f_name.isalnum()):
print('First name cannot be empty or have numeric values')
f_name = input('Enter first name: ')
l_name = input('Enter last name: ')
phone = input('Enter phone number: ')
crsr.execute("INSERT INTO phonebook VALUES (:FirstName, :LastName, :Phone)",
{'FirstName': f_name, 'LastName': l_name, 'Phone': phone})
if rsp == 'n':
print('UNIQUE constraint failed: phone number already exists')
If you are comfortable with regular expressions, you can test for the conditions "must not be empty" and "must not contain digits" in the following way:
import re
# match one or more characters that range from a to z or A to Z
username_check = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]+')
while True:
if rsp == 'y':
f_name = input('Enter first name: ')
while not username_check.fullmatch(f_name):
print('First name cannot be empty or have numeric values')
f_name = input('Enter first name: ')
The nice thing about regular expressions is that you can extend the current minimal solution quite flexibly to test for very specific patterns as well:
import re
# allow unicode word characters
allowed = re.compile(r'\w+')
# numbers are still not allowed
forbidden = re.compile(r'\d')
while True:
f_name = input('Enter first name: ')
while not (allowed.fullmatch(f_name) and not forbidden.search(f_name)):
print('First name cannot be empty or have numeric values')
f_name = input('Enter first name: ')