Given this OP was written about two years ago, rather than ask the same question again, I am wondering if step-by-step instructions exist, so that I can integrate a Noir or other Clojure web application into Apache, whether it's Jetty, Tomcat, or something else. Similar instructions exist for Django, and I think I understand that Python is being run in Django's case as an engine rather than a ring framework, so things are more complicated with Clojure web applications.
End Note
I'm deeply in love with Clojure, and Compojure seems like a neat web framework.
But it all fell apart when I wanted to deploy my application on a regular application server like Tomcat as a WAR. I actually had to write custom Ring handlers for static files and resources that would work on both local Jetty and Tomcat because the stock handlers didn't, and I had to prepend the context root everywhere manually.
I am negatively amazed that I had to write all this code to create the simplest web application conceivable that would run on both Jetty and Tomcat. I have only three possible explanations for this:
Which of these is in your opinion the case? Or is it something else?
Please note that creating a war file is a no-brainer with Maven/Leiningen and not what I mean. I'm wondering that I have to write so much code to make Compojure work with Tomcat, basic stuff like static file serving and context root awareness that should work out of the box.
People are deploying Compojure apps to non-Jetty servlet containers.
Check out:
Also check out lein-war