This problem is from the following
Assume we have two tables:
ID Name Age Salary
Number order_date cust_id salesperson_id Amount
The question is following:
We want to retrieve the names of all salespeople that have more than 1 order from the tables above. You can assume that each salesperson only has one ID. I would probably also assume that names are all distinct.
My answer was this.
select Name from
salesperson S inner join Orders O
on S.ID=O.salesperson_id
group by Name
having count(number) >=2
However, the given answer is following:
FROM Orders inner join Salesperson
On Orders.salesperson_id = Salesperson.ID
GROUP BY salesperson_id, NAME
Having count(salesperson_id) > 1
If name and salesperson_id is one to one, is there any reason we have to add salesperson_id into the group by statement here? Also, if name and salesperson_id relationship is just one to one, wouldn't count(salesperson_id) be always 1 if we group by salesperson_id, name?
I was a bit confused about this, and I was wondering if anybody encountered this problem before and found this weird as well.
Both your solution and the accepted one are functionally identical, except for the GROUP BY
The likely reason why the accepted solution is aggregating both by Name
and salesperson_id
is that it could be the case that two or more salespeople happen to have the same name. Should this occur, your query would report only a single name, but with aggregate results from more than one salesperson. But, the combination of salesperson_id
and Name
should always be unique.
Other than this, I actually prefer your version, and I would start joining from the salesperson
table out to the Orders