Search code examples

golang missing len argument

How to make a row as map[string]map[string]interface{}

cannot use s.ID (type string) as type map[string]interface {} in assignment

var row = make(map[string]map[string]interface{})


func ListServers() (map[string]map[string]interface{}, error) {
listOptions := servers.ListOpts{}
pager := servers.List(GetClientCompute(), listOptions)
err := pager.EachPage(func(page pagination.Page) (bool, error) {
    serverList, err := servers.ExtractServers(page)
    if err != nil {
    for _, s := range serverList {
        row["ID"] = s.ID                                 <---- error is here
        row["Name"] = s.Name                                 <---- error is here
        if s.Addresses["public"] != nil {
            for _, i := range s.Addresses["public"].([]interface{}) {
                temp := i.(map[string]interface{})
                if temp["version"].(float64) == 4 {
                    row["IP"] = temp["addr"]
        t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, s.Created)
        row["Flavor"] = s.Flavor
        row["Created"] = time.Now().Sub(t)                                 <---- error is here
        row["Status"] = s.Status                                 <---- error is here
    return false, nil
// fmt.Println(lists)
return row, err



  • The row is a SLICE of map[string]interface{}. You need to provide the length when you initialize the slice like this:

    row := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)

    The index of a slice MUST be an integer, That's why you encounter the second problem mentioned in your comment.

    Let's suppose serverList is a slice. You code may be modified as:

    rows := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0)   // create a slice
    // ... codes omitted
        for _, s := range serverList {
            row := make(map[string]interface{}) // create an item
            row["ID"] = s.ID
            row["Name"] = s.Name
            // ... codes omitted
            row["Flavor"] = s.Flavor
            row["Created"] = time.Now().Sub(t)
            row["Status"] = s.Status
            rows = append(rows, row) // append the item to the slice
    return rows, err