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WinAppDriver canonot find element when new window of desktop application created

"use strict";

var wd = require("wd"),
    _ = require('underscore'),
    serverConfigs = require('./helpers/appium-servers'),
    Q = require('q');

describe("Windows test from Node", function () {
  var driver;
  var allPassed = true;

  before(function () {
    var serverConfig = serverConfigs.local;
    driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);

    var desired = _.clone(require("./helpers/caps").CMS);

    return driver


  after(function () {
    return driver

  afterEach(function () {
    allPassed = allPassed && this.currentTest.state === 'passed';

  it("should open CMS.", function () {
    return driver

  it("should login CMS.", function () {    
    return driver

Hi, I'm using framework and trying to automate a desktop application. After "should open CMS", a new desktop window open and the winappdriver couldn't locate the element on that window, I tried to work with WindowHandle but not going well with JavaScript, Please give some advise, thanks in advance!


  • I couldn't find my source code, but the solution is to implement windowHandle and as well as promise in JavaScript.