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Transform casual list into dependently typed list in Coq

I have following definition of list in Coq:

Variable A : Set.
Variable P : A -> Prop.
Hypothesis P_dec : forall x, {P x}+{~(P x)}.

Inductive plist : nat -> Set :=
   pnil : plist O
  | pcons : A -> forall n, plist n -> plist n
  | pconsp : forall (a:A) n, plist n -> P a -> plist (S n)

It describes "list of elements of type A where at least n of them fulfill predicate P".

My task is to create function that will convert casual list into plist (with maximum possible n). My attempt was to first count all elements that match P and then set the output type according to the result:

Fixpoint pcount (l : list A) : nat :=
  match l with
  | nil => O
  | h::t => if P_dec h then S(pcount t) else pcount t

Fixpoint plistIn (l : list A) : (plist (pcount l)) :=
  match l with
  | nil => pnil
  | h::t => match P_dec h with
          | left proof => pconsp h _ (plistIn t) proof
          | right _ => pcons h _ (plistIn t) 

However, I get an error in the line with left proof:

In environment
A : Set
P : A -> Prop
P_dec : forall x : A, {P x} + {~ P x}
plistIn : forall l : list A, plist (pcount l)
l : list A
h : A
t : list A
proof : P h
The term "pconsp h (pcount t) (plistIn t) proof" has type
 "plist (S (pcount t))" while it is expected to have type
 "plist (pcount (h :: t))".

The problem is that Coq cannot see that S (pcount t) equals pcount (h :: t) knowing that P h, which was already proven. I cannot let Coq know this truth.

How to define this function correctly? Is it even possible to do so?


  • You can use dependent pattern-matching, as the result type plist (pcount (h :: t)) depends on whether P_dec h is left or right.

    Below, the keyword as introduces a new variable p, and return tells the type of the whole match expression, parameterized by p.

    Fixpoint plistIn (l : list A) : (plist (pcount l)) :=
      match l with
      | nil => pnil
      | h::t => match P_dec h as p return plist (if p then _ else _) with
              | left proof => pconsp h (pcount t) (plistIn t) proof
              | right _ => pcons h _ (plistIn t) 

    The type plist (if p then _ else _) must be equal to plist (pcount (h :: t)) when substituting p := P_dec h. Then in each branch, say left proof, you need to produce plist (if left proof then _ else _) (which reduces to the left branch).

    It's a bit magical that Coq can infer what goes in the underscores here, but to be safe you can always spell it out: if p then S (pcount t) else pcount t (which is meant to exactly match the definition of pcount).