I am automating the steps to change the policy for the logoff button. The steps involved are:
Open Local Group Policy using gpedit.msc
Select "Start Menu and Taskbar" from the dropdown in User Configuration > Administrative Template from the left pane
In the right pane, double click on "Change Start Menu power button"
Select the radio button "Enabled"
From the dropdown menu of options: Select "Log Off"
I have gotten through the third step, but I have a problem in mapping the "Change Start Menu Power Button" from the second step. My code is as below:
from pywinauto import Application
Application().start(r'mmc gpedit.msc')
app = Application(backend="uia").connect(path='mmc.exe')
Admin_template = app.LocalGroupPolicyEditor.child_window(title="User
Configuration", control_type="TreeItem").child_window(title="Administrative
Templates", control_type="TreeItem") # since there are same templates
Admin_template.double_click_input() # it expands the subtree
Start_menu = Admin_template.child_window(title="Start Menu and Taskbar",
#Admin_template.child_window(title="Start Menu and Taskbar",
#Change_start_menu = Start_menu.child_window(title="Change Start Menu power
#button", control_type="MenuItem").double_click_input()
I have trouble in finding and mapping the elements in the right pane. Also, when I use Start_menu.dump_tree()
, there are only "Notification" elements shown. However, the rest, which includes "Change Start Menu power button," is what I'll be double clicking next.
I appreciate the help. Thanks.
It was kinda tricky, but this should do the job (it does all the steps you've listed - presses OK - and closes the program):
import pywinauto
pywinauto.Application().start(r'mmc gpedit.msc')
app = pywinauto.Application(backend="uia").connect(path='mmc.exe')
admin_template = app.LocalGroupPolicyEditor.child_window(title="User Configuration", control_type="TreeItem").child_window(title="Administrative Templates", control_type="TreeItem")
start_menu = admin_template.child_window(title="Start Menu and Taskbar", control_type="TreeItem")
option_list = app.LocalGroupPolicyEditor.child_window(auto_id="12786", control_type="List")
# Just select any of the first options to change the focus to the list.
first_elem = option_list.child_window(title="Add Search Internet link to Start Menu", control_type="ListItem")
# Used to scroll down the window so that the wanted option becomes visible.
option = option_list.child_window(title="Change Start Menu power button", control_type="ListItem")
pop_up = app.LocalGroupPolicyEditor.child_window(auto_id="tableLayoutFullForm", control_type="Pane")
radio = pop_up.child_window(title="Enabled", auto_id="radioButtonEnabled", control_type="RadioButton")
drop_down = pop_up.child_window(title="Choose one of the following actions", auto_id="dropDownListChoose one of the following actions", control_type="ComboBox")
# 'Hack' to first select the Restart option and then the next option after that which starts with l (=Log off).
# This ensures that the correct setting gets set despite of what the setting was before.
ok = pop_up.child_window(title="OK", auto_id="buttonOK", control_type="Button")
Make sure to run this script as administrator or else it will fail.
Feel free to ask if you got any questions about the code :)
If you're running a version of pywinauto <0.6.0, you'll have to replace the two occurances (lines 19 and 34) of pywinauto.keyboard.send_keys()
If that doesn't work you could try: