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How do I attach a public AND private reserved IP to a GCE instance?

I want to reserve a external and internal IP but how do I attach both? I don't see examples in the TF docs.

It only has network_ip - (Optional) The *private* IP address ...


  • This is a working example within my compute instance module:

    resource "google_compute_address" "internal" {
      name         = "${var.NAME}-int-ip"
      subnetwork   = "${var.SUBNETWORK}"
      address_type = "INTERNAL"
      address      = "${var.PRIVATE_IP}"
      region       = "${var.REGION}"
    resource "google_compute_address" "external" {
      name         = "${var.NAME}-ext-ip"
      address_type = "EXTERNAL"
      region       = "${var.REGION}"

    And then within the google_compute_instance resource block set the IP within the network_infrastructure block:

    network_interface {
       network= "${var.NETWORK}"
       network_ip = "${google_compute_address.internal.address}"
       access_config {
          nat_ip = "${google_compute_address.external.address}" 