I wanted to have a EnumClass
with an optional message
field, something like this:
class Status extends EnumClass {
static const Status error = _$error;
static const Status completed = _$completed;
String message;
const Status._(String name) : super(name);
static BuiltSet<Status> get values => _$values;
static Status valueOf(String name) => _$valueOf(name);
The problem is I get this error message:
Can't define a const constructor for a class with non-final fields.
And if I declare message
as final
, then I can't initialize it, since the constructor is hidden.
Is there a way to achieve this? Maybe make a generated Enum Builder?
The purpose of an "enum type" is to create a predefined set of values. If you were to allow clients to create new instances of Status, even const ones, that property would no longer hold; the valueOf()
method would throw an exception if passed such an instance, and values
would not contain it. So this violates the contract of an "enum type".
// BAD: no longer an "enum type" if clients can create new instances
const Status.withMessage(String name, String message)
: message = message, super(name);
On the other hand, if the message is constant per enum value and not intended to be provided by clients, you can simply add a getter to the class:
// GOOD: Adding new methods, getters, or const-initialized member variables is fine.
String get message =>
_messages[this] ??
(throw StateError('No message for Status.$name'));
static const _messages = const {
error: "An error occurred.",
completed: "Successfully completed."