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Tensorboard and Keras Images with ImageDataGenerator

I have a problem while using TensorFlow, Keras and TensorBoard.

I wrote an image classification network. I use ImageDataGenerator from Keras to load the images during the fitting:

test_image_data = test_image_generator.flow_from_directory("images/test_set/buildings",
                                                       target_size=(64, 64),

tensorboard = TensorBoard(log_dir='./log/{}'.format(NAME), embeddings_freq=1, embeddings_layer_names=['features'], embeddings_data=test_image_data)

model.fit_generator(train_image_data, validation_data=test_image_data, validation_steps=800,
                    steps_per_epoch=8000, epochs=10, callbacks=[tensorboard])

So I want to look up in TensorBoard what the CNN does with the images.

Thanks, Marvin.


  • I couldn't figure out, how to do this with the tensorboard callback in keras as well. Therefore I wrote my own keras callback. Here is a short code snippet, you can modify it easily

    class ImageCallback(Callback):
        def __init__(self,logdir, data, n_images):
            self.logdir = logdir
   = data
            self.n_images = n_images
        def set_model(self,model):
            self.model = model
            self.sess = K.get_session()
            self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir=self.logdir)
        def on_epoch_end(self,epoch,logs={}):
            output_images = tf.cast(,dtype=tf.float32)
            output_images *= 255
            with tf.name_scope("predictions"):
                tf.summary.image(name="output",tensor = output_iamges, max_outputs=self.n_images)
            self.writer.add_summary(, epoch+1)
        def on_train_begin(self,logs=None):
            with tf.name_scope("images"):
                input_images = tf.summary.image(name="input",, max_outputs=self.n_images)
            output_images = tf.cast(,dtype=tf.float32)
            output_images *= 255
            with tf.name_scope("predictions"):
                tf.summary.image(name="output",tensor = output_images, max_outputs=self.n_images)
           self.summary = tf.summary.merge_all(scope='predictions')

    Then you can pass this callback when calling I hope that helps. Let me know, if there is a better way of doing it.