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Select the maximum iterated name inside a list of names in python

I have a list of names, some names may be iterated. I want to make a counter for each name to select the maximum iterated one. For example my list is as follow:

list = ['ABC', 'BCD', 'ASD', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'ABC', 'ZXC', 'BCD']

I want the program to return:

ABC = 4
BCD = 2
ASD = 1
ZXC = 1

Finally I want to select the maximum iterated name as a winner. How can I do that. Can anyone please help me, I will be thankful to him.


  • You can use collections.Counter:

    from collections import Counter
    Counter({'ABC': 4, 'BCD': 2, 'ASD': 1, 'ZXC': 1})
    # Counter({'ABC': 4, 'BCD': 2, 'ASD': 1, 'ZXC': 1})

    And in order to obtain string with the highest amount of counts you can use the most_common method from the Counter:

    # [('ABC', 4)]