I am trying the following function:
x = eval(input())
Giving input as 123 and type of x is also int
, it works fine:
In [22]: x=eval(input("enter:"))
In [24]: print(type(x))
<class 'int'>
But while giving input as abcd, it throws the error:
In [26]: x=eval(input("enter:"))
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-26-fb0be0584c85> in <module>()
----> 1 x=eval(input("enter:"))
<string> in <module>()
NameError: name 'abcd' is not defined
Also when I changed the code to:
It works fine:
In [27]: x=eval('input("enter:")')
In [28]: print(x)
But when given input as 123, type of x is str
instead of int
In [30]: x=eval('input("enter:")')
In [31]: print(type(x))
<class 'str'>
evaluates a piece of code. input
gets a string from user input. Therefore:
evaluates whatever the user enters. If the user enters 123
, the result will be a number, if they enter "foo"
it will be a string, if they enter ?wrfs
, it will raise an error.
evaluates the string "input()"
, which causes Python to execute the input
function. This asks the user for a string (and nothing else), which is while 123
will be the string "123"
, ?wrfs
will be the string "?wrfs"
, and "foo"
will be the string '"foo"'
A third version that might make the difference apparent: eval(eval("input()"))
is exactly identical to eval(input())