In the following code, I get the error
Couldn't match type 'Integer' with 'Int'
Expected type :[(Test, [Test])]
Actual type : [(Integer, [Integer])]
when executing
testFunc test
with the following declaration
type TestType = Int
a = [(1,[2,3])]
testFunc :: [(TestType ,[TestType])] -> TestType
testFunc ((a,(b:c)):d) = a
How do I declare my list a
so that it matches the type of testFunc
And is there a way to fix the error without modifying type Test = Int
or the declaration of a
How do I declare my list 'test' so that it matches the type of testFunc?
Well, by declaring this as the type.
a :: [(TestType, [TestType])]
a = [(1,[2,3])]
Generally speaking, you should always give explicit type signatures for top-level definitions like this. Without such a signature, the compiler will pick one for you. Generally Haskell tries to pick the most general available type possible; in this case that would be
a :: (Num a, Num b) => [(a, [b])]
...which would include both [(Int, [Int])]
and [(Integer, [Integer])]
. However, the monomorphism restriction restricts the type by default, excluding such polymorphism. So GHC has to pick one version, and the default one is Integer
, not Int
The right solution, again, is to provide an explicit signature. However, you can also turn off the monomorphism restriction:
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
type TestType = Int
a = [(1,[2,3])]
testFunc :: [(TestType ,[TestType])] -> TestType
testFunc ((x,(y:z)):w) = x
main :: IO ()
main = print $ testFunc a