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Query IIS logs with extra fields using LogParser

I have IIS log with extra field 'foo'.

#Fields: foo date s-sitename ...
foo1 2009-02-15 W3SVC1 ...
foo2 2009-02-15 W3SVC1 ...

As result all LogParser queries are broken:

logparser -i:IISW3C  "SELECT c-ip, s-ip FROM my.log"

Elements processed: 0
Elements output:    0
Execution time:     0.00 seconds

Is it possible to inform LogParser about such extra fields, so it can parse IIS files?


  • Try W3C format (-i:W3C).

    If that doesn't work and this is a one-time analysis, you could create a script to strip out that column. If this is an ongoing activity, you might want to consider using a standard format, or at least moving the extra field to the end.

    By the way LogParser does support custom input formats.