I have a video container vid.mp4
that I want to play with ffplay
through a named PIPE and be able to tweak the maximum bandwidth allowed by the "channel". Follows what I did:
Create a named PIPE:
mkfifo pipe_in
Send the container to the pipe with a limited bandwidth (150kB/s) with the help of pipe viewer pv
cat vid.mp4 | pv -L 150k > pipe_in
Play the video with ffplay
ffplay cache:./pipe_in
My expectation: To watch the video come through immediately but slowly given the bandwidth constraint.
What really happens: The video begins to show at normal speed only when command 2.
finishes running.
Thank you in advance!
Your video will need to have MOOV box upfront.
ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 -c copy -movflags +faststart newvid.mp4
Now, you should get as-available playback with
ffplay ./pipe_in
If you wish to use the cache protocol, you'll need to set a cache limit.
ffplay -read_ahead_limit 65K cache:./pipe_in
If the option isn't found, upgrade ffplay.