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Android KeyboardView does not respect key width

I've a different result in the layout display of the KeyboardView between Galaxy Tab S4 running android 8.1.0 and my phone Galaxy S8 running android 8.0.0. The difference are in the key width and horizontalGap.

Here is the correct keyboard on my phone:

enter image description here

While on the tablet, the keyboard looks like this:

enter image description here

We can see that the keys on 1st, 2nd and 3rd row have not the same width. But they must be of the same size. On the tablet it seems it's resized to take 100% of the parent container. In the same time, the horizontalGap is pushing the keys out of the parent container.

Here is the XML code that defines the keyboard layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Keyboard xmlns:android=""

        <Key android:keyLabel="Q" android:keyEdgeFlags="left" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="W" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="E" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="R" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="T" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="Z" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="U" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="I" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="O" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="P" />
        <Key android:codes="55000"  android:keyIcon="@drawable/del_keyboard" android:isRepeatable="true" android:keyWidth="15%p" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" />
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyWidth="0px" android:keyEdgeFlags="left" android:horizontalGap="11.75%p"/>
        <Key android:keyLabel="A"  />
        <Key android:keyLabel="S" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="D" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="F" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="G" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="H" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="J" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="K" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="L" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" />
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"  android:keyWidth="0px" android:horizontalGap="20%p"/>
        <Key android:keyLabel="Y" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="X" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="C" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="V" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="B" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="N" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="M" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" />
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyWidth="0px" android:horizontalGap="25%p"/>
        <Key android:codes="55001"  android:keyEdgeFlags="left"  android:keyIcon="@drawable/white_space_keyboard" android:keyWidth="50%p" />

For additional information, the keyboardView is in a fragment included in a slidingPaneLayout. Any ideas what's going on here? Thank you in advance!


  • I've found a solution. Get the fragment container's width once available. Set new width to all keys. Invalidate keys to force the keyboard to redraw. For the padding-left on row 2,3 and 4, I just added a number of keys with height = 0 before the first key of each line.

    //Here we wait for the fragment width to be available Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                //Set the new width to the keys of the keyboard
                fixKeyboard(mKeyboard, currentView.getWidth());
                //Force redraw the keyboard
    private void fixKeyboard(Keyboard k, int dw)
        List<Keyboard.Key> keys = k.getKeys();
        int key_width = (dw / 11) - 2; //-2 for margin-right
        int row_number = 0;
        int pos_y = 0;
        int key_index_in_row = 0;
        for (Keyboard.Key key : keys)
            if (key.y != pos_y)
                pos_y = key.y;
                key_index_in_row = 0;
            //Space key
            if(row_number == 3 && key_index_in_row == 3)
                key.width = 5 * key_width;
            //Delete key
            else if(row_number == 0 && key_index_in_row == 10)
                key.width = key_width + 4; //Slightly larger
                key.width = key_width;
   = 0;
            key.x = key_width * key_index_in_row;

    With this XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Keyboard xmlns:android=""
        <Key android:keyLabel="Q" android:keyEdgeFlags="left" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="W" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="E" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="R" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="T" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="Z" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="U" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="I" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="O" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="P" />
        <Key android:codes="55000"  android:keyIcon="@drawable/del_keyboard" android:isRepeatable="true" android:keyWidth="15%p" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" />
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyWidth="0px" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"/>
        <Key android:keyLabel="A" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="S" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="D" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="F" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="G" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="H" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="J" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="K" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="L" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" />
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"  android:keyWidth="0px"/>
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyWidth="0px"/>
        <Key android:keyLabel="Y" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="X" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="C" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="V" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="B" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="N" />
        <Key android:keyLabel="M" android:keyEdgeFlags="right" />
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyWidth="0px" android:keyEdgeFlags="left"/>
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyWidth="0px"/>
        <Key android:keyLabel=" " android:keyHeight="0px" android:keyWidth="0px"/>
        <Key android:codes="55001"  android:keyEdgeFlags="left"  android:keyIcon="@drawable/white_space_keyboard" android:keyWidth="50%p" />