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Rewrite URL in jwilder/nginx-proxy Docker container

I'm containerizing some websites. I would like to be able to migrate some rewrite rules to automatically append or remove www from the domain name in the request.

How/Where in the jwilder/nginx-proxy Docker container nginx.tmpl or otherwise can I add some simple rewrite rules?

One rule for all proxied containers is okay, although it would be nice if rules could be specified per container.


  • The jwilder/nginx-proxy docker image allows you to add a configuration per virtual host where you can add the rewrite rules as described in here:

    To add settings on a per-VIRTUAL_HOST basis, add your configuration file under /etc/nginx/vhost.d. The per-VIRTUAL_HOST file must be named exactly after the VIRTUAL_HOST.

    In order to allow virtual hosts to be dynamically configured as backends are added and removed, it makes the most sense to mount an external directory as /etc/nginx/vhost.d as opposed to using derived images or mounting individual configuration files.

    For example, if you have a virtual host named, you could provide a custom rewrite configuration for that host as follows:

    Under /etc/nginx/vhost.d create a file called then add the following content:

    return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

    Then create a new nginx container and mount this directory to it. If you checked /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf you will notice that the virtual host has been modified to something like this:

    server {
        listen 80 ;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log vhost;
        include /etc/nginx/vhost.d/;
        location / {

    The include line contains the return statement that we wrote and of course you can add more rewrite rules to it