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lua error ends c# function and parent function execution

When i try to execute faulty lua code it does not only crash but completely ends the function execution that started the lua script.

Some notes to read the following code: prs() is Debug.Log(). prs("script finished"); is never called.

The Issue with this code

// script.Globals["getturnnumber"] = (Func<int>)getturnnumber; is the faulty line. The error message then is because it cannot find the function:

ScriptRuntimeException: attempt to call a nil value
MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.VM.Processor.Internal_ExecCall (Int32 argsCount, Int32 instructionPtr, MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction handler, MoonSharp.Interpreter.CallbackFunction continuation, Boolean thisCall, System.String debugText, MoonSharp.Interpreter.DynValue unwindHandler) (at Assets/Plugins/MoonSharp/Interpreter/Execution/VM/Processor/Processor_InstructionLoop.cs:763)
MoonSharp.Interpreter.Execution.VM.Processor.Processing_Loop (Int32 instructionPtr) (at Assets/Plugins/MoonSharp/Interpreter/Execution/VM/Processor/Processor_InstructionLoop.cs:115)

My question is: Why will the function and the parent functions just stop executing? A little sidenote: This happens with ANY error i had not only this.

As example which i inserted for testing; Why is prs("script finished"); is not called

Here is what i mean:

    public void evaltext(string scriptCode) {//this is the Core of the scripting engine it does the actual work.
        prs("start script " + scriptfile + " scriptname " + scriptname+ " ## "+ scriptCode);
        Script script = new Script(); //Generating the script instance
        UserData.RegisterAssembly(); //registering the asseblys you need to add [MoonSharpUserData] to the data you want to expose more under
        script.Globals["createunit"] = (Func<string, List<string>, objects>)createunit; //exposing a function so it can be called from lua syntax is: Func<parameters, returntype>
        script.Globals["printerror"] = (Func<string[], string>)pre;
        script.Globals["testadd"] = (Func<int>)debug.testadd;
        script.Globals["getglobal"] = (Func<glo>)g.getglobal;
        script.Globals["playeraddtech"] = (Func<string, bool>)playeraddtech;
        script.Globals["playerhastech"] = (Func<string, bool>)playerhastech;
        script.Globals["playeraddtag"] = (Func<string, bool>)playeraddtag;
        script.Globals["playerhastag"] = (Func<string, int>)playerhastag;
        script.Globals["getobject"] = (Func<int, objects>)g.getobj;
        script.Globals["getobjectn"] = (Func<string, objects>)g.getobjn;
        script.Globals["getmap"] = (Func<int, maps>)g.getmap;
        //    script.Globals["getturnnumber"] = (Func<int>)getturnnumber;
        script.Globals["newscript"] = (Func<string, string, string, scripting>)newscript;
        script.Globals["addresearch"] = (Func<string, string, string>)addresearch;
        script.Globals["addtoinventory"] = (Func<string, string, string>)addtoinventory;
        script.Globals["addturnevent"] = (Func<string, string, string, string>)addturnevent;
        script.Globals["removeturnevent"] = (Func<string, string, string, string>)removeturnevent;
        script.Globals["hasturnevent"] = (Func<string, string, string, bool>)hasturnevent;
            script.DoString(scriptCode); //The command to load scriptCode as module more under
         DynValue res = script.Call(script.Globals[scriptname]); //Calling the function inside the code you should define a default value here More about dynvalue

        catch (LuaException ex)
            pre("[LuaException]" + ex.Message);
        prs("script  finished");


And the executed lua script:

function waves()
if getturnnumber()>0 then
    if getturnnumber() % 2 == 0 then
        printerror("Lua success");



  • A finally would come in handy here. as @shingo says you rethrow the exception. finally clause will get executed even if there is a throw, and even if there is no catch at all.

        prs("script  finished");