What is the "using ???" statement that I need to put at the top of my C# class file, in order to build a GitHub > HDF.PInvoke > cookbook code snippets?
For example, if I paste the cookbook snippet below into a C# class, it doesn't build because, I assume, there is no "using" statement, and generates this error:
"H5A doesn't exist in the current context."
private bool ReadStringAttribute(hid_t objectId, string title, out string value)
value = "";
hid_t attributeId = 0;
hid_t typeId = 0;
attributeId = H5A.open(objectId, title);
typeId = H5A.get_type(attributeId);
var sizeData = H5T.get_size(typeId);
var size = sizeData.ToInt32();
byte[] strBuffer = new byte[size];
var aTypeMem = H5T.get_native_type(typeId, H5T.direction_t.ASCEND);
GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(strBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
H5A.read(attributeId, aTypeMem, pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject());
value = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(strBuffer);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
if (attributeId != null) H5A.close(attributeId);
if (typeId != null) H5T.close(typeId);
It seems like
using HDF.PInvoke;
Look into unit test cases here