I try to learn haskell and have exercise -try to rewrite standart list operation(map, foldr, zip, iterate, etc.) with function fix. I have example with repeat:
repeat a = fix $ \xs -> a : xs
and it's further simplify
repeat a = fix (a:)
repeat = fix . (:)
Can anyone help me with map? Sorry for my bad engl and thank u in advance.
To use fix
, one needs to write the recursive definition in the form
map = .... something involving map ....
Then, we let
map = fix (\m -> .... something involving m ....)
For instance,
map = \f xs -> case xs of
[] -> []
y:ys -> f y : map f ys
map = fix (\m f xs -> case xs of
[] -> []
y:ys -> f y : m f ys)
Alternatively, since the argument f
is the same for each recursive call, we can let
map f = \xs -> case xs of
[] -> []
y:ys -> f y : map f ys
and obtain
map f = fix (\m xs -> case xs of
[] -> []
y:ys -> f y : m ys)