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How to get a label's gender for non-english languages in Wikidata

I was wondering how we can get the gender of Wikidata results. For example

SELECT ?s ?sLabel 
  ?s wdt:P31 wd:Q6256 ; rdfs:label ?sLabel .
   FILTER (lang(?sLabel) = 'fr') .
  } limit 10

I want to get not only the labels in French but also their gender, like this

Canada        Masculin
Bangladesh    Masculin
Norvège       Feminin

Is there anyway to do this using Wikidata queries?


  • SELECT ?country_label ?language_code ?gender_label {
      ?s wdt:P31 wd:Q6256 ;
         rdfs:label ?country_label .
      FILTER (lang(?country_label) = ?language_code)
      ?lexeme ontolex:sense?/wdt:P5137 ?s ;
              dct:language/wdt:P424 ?language_code .
      OPTIONAL { 
         ?lexeme wdt:P5185 ?gender .
         ?gender rdfs:label ?gender_label .
         FILTER (lang(?gender_label) = ?language_code)
    } VALUES (?language_code) {('de')}

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