I am running a Jenkns Job, called Job A, that feeds its build parameters into a perl script, called ScriptA.pl, in the following format below:
#Check the input params
my $PARAM1 = $ENV{ "PARAM1" };
my $PARAM2 = $ENV{ "PARAM2" };
.....more params fed in the same way
if ( $PARAM1 eq "" ) {
print "PARAM1 is a required parameter.\n";
exit 1;
if ( $PARAM2 eq "" ) {
print "PARAM2 is a required parameter.\n";
exit 1;
.....more param checks done in the same way
###Script then runs a bunch of execution statements####
I am trying to run this script from Linux command line in cshell in the following way to test that the execution component works:
/% ScriptA.pl jetFuel steelBeams
And it thinks that no parameters have been entered, since this error is returned
PARAM1 is a required parameter.
How do I properly input Jenkins parameters into a Jenkins script from command line?
If you can't modify the Perl script so it reads command-line parameters (which would improve its general usability to boot), maybe create a simple wrapper script:
env PARAM1="$1" PARAM2="$2" perl ScriptA.pl
(Yes, sh
. Nobody should use csh
for anything in 2019.)