Below is my fetch code for sphinx. We have a filter named typeId which we use to compare bureau type. Now I have added one more filter named as altTypeId. Now I have to compare typeId and altTypeId both for same value such typeId = 6 OR altTypeId = 6.
I have tried several solutions but no one is working. I followed the solution on this link: but its not working as well.
protected function fetch() {
$this->_searchCriteria->orders = $this->sort;
$this->pagination->validateCurrentPage = false;
$this->_searchCriteria->paginator = $this->pagination;
$this->_searchCriteria->query.=" profileTypePlaceholderTexxxxxt";
Yii::app()->search->SetLimits($this->pagination->offset, $this->pagination->limit);
if ($this->_searchCriteria->query)
'primary_comp' => 100,
'premium' => 80,
'standard' => 60,
'free' => 40,
'comp' => 20,
'title' => 5,
'description' => 5,
//Yii::app()->search->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@weight DESC');
Yii::app()->search->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED,'@weight DESC, random DESC');
foreach ($this->_searchCriteria->filters as $filter) {
if ($filter[0] == 'range')
Yii::app()->search->SetFilterFloatRange($filter[1], (float) $filter[2] + 0.01, (float) $filter[3]);
Yii::app()->search->SetFilter($filter[0], array($filter[1]));
$results = Yii::app()->search->Query($this->_searchCriteria->query, $this->_searchCriteria->from);
$this->_data = array();
$this->_keys = array();
$this->_itemCount = $results['total'];
$this->pagination->itemCount = $this->_itemCount;
if ($this->_itemCount) {
Frankly putting both values in the same sphinx attrbute, seems easiest. MVA is perfect for this!
Couple of ways could be done, but just...
sql_query = SELECT id,title, CONCAT_WS(',',typeId,altTypeId) AS typeids FROM ...
sql_attr_multi = uint typeids from field
then just
->SetFilter('typeids', array(6));
finds results from EITHER column.
Otherwise if really want to only do it at query time, its something like
if ($filter[0] == 'typeid') {
Yii::app()->search->SetSelect("*, (typeid = {$filter[1]} OR altTypeId = {$filter[1]}) AS myfilter");
Yii::app()->search->SetFilter('myfilter', array(1));
} else ...