I am running a SAM template through AWS CodeBuild using a buildspec.yml
I believe that this issue is caused by pip installing a default python 2.7 version of the aws-sam-cli
package. I'm not that familiar with how to pip install
the python3
version of a package. Here is a snippet of my buildspec.yml
- echo "Pre-Build Phase started - SAM Deployment"
- alias python=python3
- pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install aws-sam-cli # install the sam cli
- USER_BASE_PATH=$(python -m site --user-base) # save the path to the user's local packages folder to a variable (as opposed to the global packages folder)
- export PATH=$PATH:$USER_BASE_PATH/bin # add the user's local packages folder to PATH
- sam --version # verify "sam" can now be called
- sam package --runtime python3 --template-file ${INPUT_FILE} --output-template-file ${OUTPUT_FILE} --s3-bucket ${S3_BUCKET} # package the template to an S3 bucket
Has anyone ever run into this issue?
For anyone revisiting this question I figured it out. Below is my revised buildspec.yml
snippet. I had to install the awscli package with pip3.
- echo "Pre-Build Phase started - SAM Deployment"
- ls -ltr # list directory contents from oldest to new
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
- sudo pip3 install --upgrade awscli
- apt-get update > /dev/null # get list of package updates from
- apt-get install jq -y > /dev/null # install 32-bit JSON processor
- jq --version # check JSON processor installed / which version
- wget -q https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases/download/jq-1.5/jq-linux64 # get 64-bit JSON processor
- chmod +x jq-linux64 # make executable
- mv jq-linux64 $(which jq) # make "jq" alias point to 64-bit jq
- jq --version # verify jq points to new version
- alias python=python3
- pip install aws-sam-cli # install the sam cli
- USER_BASE_PATH=$(python -m site --user-base) # save the path to the user's local packages folder to a variable (as opposed to the global packages folder)
- export PATH=$PATH:$USER_BASE_PATH/bin # add the user's local packages folder to PATH
- sam --version # verify "sam" can now be called
- sam package --template-file ${INPUT_FILE} --output-template-file ${OUTPUT_FILE} --s3-bucket ${S3_BUCKET} # package the template to an S3 bucket