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Invoking "make -j8 -l8" failed. Error with ar_track_alvar package while building ros workspace

I am a newbie in ROS and Gazebo. I am trying to build the ROS workspace by running the setup_melodic.bash file as per this installation guide but getting these errors. I have
ROS Melodic: Desktop-Full version and Gazebo 9.0.0 installed in my laptop. I already installed all ROS Melodic related dependencies and opencv using below command

sudo apt -y install python3-opencv.


  • os - Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • python version - 3.6.8
  • opencv version - 4.0.1-openvino

Could someone please help me figuring out the cause of these errors?

Thank you in advance.


  • As per my understanding, ROS does not have official support for Python 3. Also, ROS ships with a particular version of OpenCV and might cause conflicts with other versions. So I would recommend sticking to the default verions of Python and OpenCV. If you need to use different version, I would suggest using Anaconda environments or virtual environments to keep them separate from the main system.