I am a newbie in ROS and Gazebo. I am trying to build the ROS workspace by running the setup_melodic.bash file as per this installation guide but getting these errors. I have
ROS Melodic: Desktop-Full version and Gazebo 9.0.0 installed in my laptop. I already installed all ROS Melodic related dependencies and opencv using below command
sudo apt -y install python3-opencv
Could someone please help me figuring out the cause of these errors?
Thank you in advance.
As per my understanding, ROS does not have official support for Python 3. Also, ROS ships with a particular version of OpenCV and might cause conflicts with other versions. So I would recommend sticking to the default verions of Python and OpenCV. If you need to use different version, I would suggest using Anaconda environments or virtual environments to keep them separate from the main system.