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Scraping wiki (Not wikipedia) infobox

I am able to scrape the infobox on any Wikipedia site using rvest but I want to do the same on a wiki page but can't get it working ...

The link: On the page you have the infobox (which looks like a normal Wikipedia table) the CSS selector appears to be ".pi-layout-default"

I want a data frame that contains the real name, aliases etc..

Any idea on how to do this?


  • Use rvest and selectorgadet!

    read_html("") %>%
      html_nodes(".pi-font , .pi-data-label") %>%
      html_text() %>%
      matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) %>%
    # A tibble: 21 x 2
       V1                V2                                                                                                               
       <chr>             <chr>                                                                                                            
     1 Real Name         Diana of Themyscira                                                                                              
     2 Current Alias     Wonder Woman                                                                                                     
     3 Aliases           Diana Prince, Princess Diana, Miss America, Goddess of Truth, Dinanna Truthqueen                                 
     4 Relatives         Ares (grandfather)[1]Hippolyta (mother)Antiope (aunt, deceased)Theseus (uncle by Antiope, deceased)Hippolytus (c~
     5 Affiliation       Justice League · formerly Department of Metahuman Affairs, Star Sapphire Corps, Female Furies, White Lantern Cor~
     6 Base Of Operatio~ Washington, D.C. · Themyscira · JLA Watchtower, Hall of Justice · formerly Boston, Gateway City                  
     7 Alignment         Good                                                                                                             
     8 Identity          Public Identity                                                                                                  
     9 Race              Amazon                                                                                                           
    10 Citizenship       Amazon                                                                                                           
    # ... with 11 more rows