I am new at rxswift framework.I have written a code below and I am not sure.Is there any retain cycle? Must I use weak reference to self?
loginButton.rx.tap.bind {
print(self.nameText.value ?? "")
self.nameText.accept("ahmet vefa saruhan")
}.disposed(by: disposebag)
second case is :
func myTestFunction(handler : () -> Void) {
myTestFunction {
self.isVisible = false
is here any retain cycle problem?
Yes, weak should be used when you using self inside block. And use subscribe instead of bind.
basicLoginButton.rx.tap.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] () in
print(self?.nameText.value ?? "")
self?.nameText.accept("ahmet vefa saruhan")
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
I think in the second case, everything is correct, there is not needed 'weak'.