I´m trying to correctly refrence my additional github library for my xamarin.android build in Visual Studio App Center. The Library is contained in a seperate git repo and then refrenced in my Visual studio project.
To include the Library in the i added a "appcenter-post-clone.sh" file which should load the git so the reference can still work.
echo "Custom_AppCenter_Script"
echo $PWD
git clone https://github.com/Mygit/Reponame.git
---The Build output:---
Cloning into 'Aurora'...
##[section]Finishing: Post Clone Script
##[section]Starting: Set Mono version
WARNING: Project file /Users/vsts/agent/2.148.0/work/1/s/../Aurora/Aurora/Aurora.csproj cannot be found.
How do i have to adjust the script so the library is at the correct place?
I found a Soulution:
Added the git as a submodule to the Repository and then changed the "appcenter-post-clone.sh" to this:
echo "Custom_AppCenter_Script"
git clone --recursive https://github.com/Mygit/Reponame.git
echo "Cloning completed."