I'm writing an web application. I have workflow in my application, means that we should create our workflow and extract data from it and save in database.
I chose mxgraph for designing workflow. For now I need to customize it for my project: 1. custom toolbar that just contain some tools for bpmn and workflow. 2. ability for double click on elements and open modal for creating element attributes.
How can I do this? I read documents but was not clear for me.
I will assume that you're using the GraphEditorExample
On your Sidebar.js
Sidebar.prototype.init = function()
var dir = STENCIL_PATH;
this.addYourPalette(true); // HERE YOU CAN ADD A NEW PALLETE
this.addStencilPalette('arrows', mxResources.get('arrows'), dir + '/arrows.xml',
this.addBpmnPalette(dir, false);
this.addImagePalette('clipart', mxResources.get('clipart'), dir + '/clipart/', '_128x128.png',
['Earth_globe', 'Empty_Folder', 'Full_Folder', 'Gear', 'Lock', 'Software', 'Virus', 'Email',
'Database', 'Router_Icon', 'iPad', 'iMac', 'Laptop', 'MacBook', 'Monitor_Tower', 'Printer',
'Server_Tower', 'Workstation', 'Firewall_02', 'Wireless_Router_N', 'Credit_Card',
'Piggy_Bank', 'Graph', 'Safe', 'Shopping_Cart', 'Suit1', 'Suit2', 'Suit3', 'Pilot1',
'Worker1', 'Soldier1', 'Doctor1', 'Tech1', 'Security1', 'Telesales1'], null,
{'Wireless_Router_N': 'wireless router switch wap wifi access point wlan',
'Router_Icon': 'router switch'});
You can define which elements you want in this new palette creating a function:
Sidebar.prototype.addYourPalette = function(expand)
var lineTags = 'line lines connector connectors connection connections arrow arrows ';
var fns = [
this.createVertexTemplateEntry('rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Rectangle', null, null, 'rect rectangle box'),
this.createVertexTemplateEntry('rounded=1;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;', 120, 60, '', 'Rounded Rectangle', null, null, 'rounded rect rectangle box'),
this.addPaletteFunctions('New', 'New', (expand != null) ? expand : true, fns);
The example above will have 2 elements: a Rectangle and a Rounded Rectangle, but you can put wherever element you like.
In your Dialogs.js use the function
function addProps(name) {
// Avoid ':' in attribute names which seems to be valid in Chrome
if (name.length > 0 && name != 'label' && name != 'placeholders' && name.indexOf(':') < 0) {
try {
var idx = mxUtils.indexOf(names, name);
if (idx >= 0 && texts[idx] != null) {
} else {
// Checks if the name is valid
var clone = value.cloneNode(false);
clone.setAttribute(name, '');
if (idx >= 0) {
names.splice(idx, 1);
texts.splice(idx, 1);
var text = form.addTextarea(name + ':', '', 2);
text.style.width = '100%';
addRemoveButton(text, name);
nameInput.value = '';
} catch (e) {
} else {
And then call the function passing in your parameter the name of the new property