Sample Data
data$age = ifelse(data$survey == 1, sample(30:60,100,replace=T),0)
Goal is to get a random number AGE for every row where survey equals to 1. Then I want to add the value of 3 to each AGE as a sequence. So eg if AGE at survey equals to 1 is 20 then AGE at survey 2 equals to 23 and AGE at survey 3 equals to 26. I show sample small data below
datasmall = data=data.frame("id"=c(sort(rep(1:4,3))),
You could simply add three by respective subsetting.
data$age <- NA # if column does not yet exist
data$age[data$survey == 1] <- sample(30:60, length(data$age[data$survey == 1]),
data$age[data$survey == 2] <- data$age[data$survey == 1] + 3
data$age[data$survey == 3] <- data$age[data$survey == 2] + 3
# id survey age
# 1 1 1 38
# 2 1 2 41
# 3 1 3 44
# 4 2 1 41
# 5 2 2 44
# 6 2 3 47