I have a lottie component, which should run with a new animated value each time when you swipe a screen. Now it's increase an animated value to 0.3 when swipe from left to right and decrease to 0 if swipe opposite direction.
What I'm trying to do, is when you swipe a screen again, value should become 0.6. and on third swipe 0.9.
Could you give me an idea how to do it?
onPanResponderMove: (evt, gesture) => {
const { dx } = gesture;
if (dx > 30) {
Animated.timing(this.state.scrollX, {
toValue: 0.3,
duration: 500,
} else {
Animated.timing(this.state.scrollX, {
toValue: 0,
Store the value for toValue outside the onPanResponderMove function. On each swipe increase it with 0.3 for the next swipe.
toValue = 0;
onPanResponderMove: (evt, gesture) => {
const { dx } = gesture;
if (dx > 30) {
toValue += 0.3;
Animated.timing(this.state.scrollX, {
duration: 500,
} else {
Animated.timing(this.state.scrollX, {
toValue: 0,