I am trying to create the PrimeNg editable table with angular forms.
app.component.ts (This is minimal reproducable code)
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
epForm: FormGroup;
range: FormArray;
constructor(private fb: FormBuilder,){
ngOnInit() {
this.epForm = new FormGroup({});
this.epForm.addControl('range', new FormArray([]));
this.range = <FormArray>this.epForm.get('range');
type: ['X1 Gene']
and the html file is
<form [formGroup]="epForm" novalidate>
<p-table [value]="epForm.controls.range.value" [rows]="10" [responsive]="true">
<ng-template pTemplate="header">
<tr> Range </tr>
<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-i="rowIndex">
<tr [formGroupName]='i'>
<td >
<input type="text" pInputText formControlName="type" />
I tried with the above code it is displaying the content, but I cannot able to edit the Input tag. I open the inspect element and i checked it, only the tbody
is keyon updating.
I removed the [formgroup]='i'
and I checked it in the console I got the following error
Cannot find control with path: 'range -> type'
The same thing I tried with <table>
it is working fine. But with the p-table I am getting this kind of behavior? How can I fix this issue.
Like the below Image I am getting in the inspect element, with [formGroupName]
I got the answer for my own question, from the primeNg documentation
Performance Tips
When selection is enabled use dataKey to avoid deep checking when comparing objects.
Use rowTrackBy to avoid unnecessary dom operations.
Prefer lazy loading for large datasets.
So I modified my table like
<p-table [value]="epForm.controls.range.value" [rows]="10" [responsive]="true"
In the component file I add the following method
trackByFn(index, row) {
return index;