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How to write a.dbf file

I'm encountering issue using the below script. All are working fine except for the final line which results to the error below.

enter image description here

# read dbf
setwd("C:/Users/JGGliban/Desktop/Work/ADMIN/Other Stream/PH")

# Combine multiple dbf files
# library('tidyverse')
# List all files ending with dbf in directory
dbf_files <- list.files(pattern = c("*.DBF","*.dbf"), full.names = TRUE)
# Read each dbf file into a list
dbf_list <- lapply(dbf_files, read.dbf, = FALSE)
# Concatenate the data in each dbf file into one combined data frame
data <-, dbf_list)
# Write dbf file - max-nchar is the maimum number of characters allowed in a character field. After the max, it will be truncated.
x <- write.dbf(data, file, factor2char = TRUE, max_nchar = 254)


  • Code modified to:

    x <- write.dbf(data, "file.dbf", factor2char = TRUE, max_nchar = 254)