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Microsoft Cognitive - Face API - Using persistedFaceId to Face to Face verification

So, I intend to perform a face to face verification using Azure Face Api. In my case, what I need to do is verify if the face in the photo sent by the user is the same as the photo saved in database. My question is: can store faces in a faceList in a way that I can use the persistedFaceId for the faces coming from my database instead of performing a detect on the same picture just to get it's Id?


  • My question is: can store faces in a faceList in a way that I can use the persistedFaceId for the faces coming from my database instead of performing a detect on the same picture just to get it's Id?

    It seems that you'd like to perform face to face verification with a faceId of one face that comes from Face - Detect and a persistedFaceId that comes from a faceList.

    Based on my test, currently the Face - Verify does not support this. If we perform face to face verification with a faceId and a persistedFaceId, it would return the follow error in response.

      "error": {
        "code": "FaceNotFound",
        "message": "Face is not found."

    And in Face - Verify documentation, we can also find the faceId used in face to face verification should comes from Face - Detect.

    enter image description here