I am using the Hive JDBC 3.1 driver (from Hortontworks or official, I have the same issues) in a c# application (Dundas) and I get the error:
hive jdbc driver: javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException: Trying to output second root,
I really cannot say much more, as the java stack trace is swallowed, and Dundas is a third party application which I did not develop and is not open source. It does use the JDBC driver to connect to hive (the odbc driver is not an option as it is utterly bugged) hence the java stack trace in a C# application (and yes I am talking to support as well, but I was hoping that someone else encountered (and fixed!) the same issue).
Using the driver standalone, via a Java standalone class works fine.
The connection from Dundas works fine, it is getting data that fails.
Any idea what I could do to fix this?
It turned out that it was a bug in Dundas - but they managed to fix it. The fix should ship after version 6.0.