I am new to Ansible and this my first attempt to it. I have a task to retrieve an attribute Address
from a consul nodes
end point. My play looks like below
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: "Get the addresses"
- name: 'Fetching addresses from consul.'
url: http://consul-server/v1/catalog/nodes
status_code: 200
body_format: json
return_content: yes
register: nodes
- set_fact:
frontend_ips: "{{ item.Address }}"
when: item.Node == "*hero_node*"
loop: "{{ nodes }}"
here I'm trying to get all the nodes from consul then filter out the Addresses
of node containing hero_node
in name of the node but I'm getting an exception as
fatal: [localhost]: FAILIED! => {}.
MSG: Unexpected failure in finding the lookup name '{{ nodes }} in the available lookup plugin'
the nodes json
return from the end point looks like this:
"Address": "",
"Node": "hero-node-1",
"Metadata": ...
Any help would be really appreciated.
Below is the filter that gives you the list of addresses of nodes that match "hero-node*"
- debug:
msg: "{{ nodes|selectattr('Node', 'match', 'hero-node*')|map(attribute='Address')|list}}"