I built a 1*5 cell named N and need to copy an image (img)matrix into each entry in it what should I do? This is what I came up with but it doesn't work.... I'm trying to avoid for loops so my code will be faster.
function newImgs = imresizenew(img,scale) %scale is an array contains the scaling factors to be upplied originaly an entry in a 16*1 cell
N = (cell(length(scale)-1,1))'; %scale is a 1*6 vector array
N(:,:) = mat2cell(img,size(img),1); %Now every entry in N must contain img, but it fails
newImgs =cellfun(@imresize,N,scale,'UniformOutput', false); %newImgs must contain the new resized imgs
From what I've understood from your question, and agreeing with Cris Luengo on the loop part, here is what I would suggest. I assume, that scale(1) = 1
or something like that, because you initialize N = (cell(length(scale) - 1, 1))'
, so I guess one of the values in scale
is not important.
function newImgs = imresizenew(img, scale)
% Initialize cell array.
newImgs = cell(numel(scale) - 1, 1);
% Avoid copying of img and using cellfun by directly filling
% newImgs with properly resized images.
for k = 1:numel(newImgs)
newImgs(k) = imresize(img, scale(k + 1));
A small test script:
% Input
img = rand(600);
scale = [1, 1.23, 1.04, 0.84, 0.5, 0.1];
% Call own function.
newImgs = imresizenew(img, scale);
% Output dimensions.
for k = 1:numel(newImgs)
ans =
738 738
ans =
624 624
ans =
504 504
ans =
300 300
ans =
60 60