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Clearcase Sync Issue

I've a vob, please find my vob detail

/usr/atria/bin/cleartool desc vob:/vobs/esam/configspecs
versioned object base "/vobs/esam/configspecs"
  created 2004-02-16T19:20:26+05:30 by van aken (cm.we2@bt0pjb)
  "ESAM build vob"
  master replica: ANTWERP_3@/vobs/esam/configspecs
  replica name: CHENNAI_1
  VOB family feature level: 4
  VOB storage host:pathname "andd006:/net/in0oianas002/in0oianas002_SAS_U1/C-T3-P-fad-vobs08/configspecs.vbs"
  VOB storage global pathname "/net/in0oianas002/in0oianas002_SAS_U1/C-T3-P-fad-vobs08/configspecs.vbs"
  database schema version: 54
  modification by remote privileged user: allowed
  atomic checkin: disabled
  VOB ownership:
    owner nobody
    group nobody
    FeatureLevel = 4
    AdminVOB -> vob:/vobs/admin/cc_admin

It has two sites on site when I run lsepoch I got output as below

Oplog IDs for row "ANTWERP_3" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156342      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)

Oplog IDs for row "CHENNAI_1" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156342      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)

On other site it has

 Oplog IDs for row "ANTWERP_3" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156346      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)

 Oplog IDs for row "ANTWERP_3" (@
 oid:12332a88.608811d8.8c2c.00:01:80:80:57:94=156346      (ANTWERP_3)
 oid:45a89286.940111da.81f9.00:01:83:b0:4c:43=24203       (CHENNAI_1)

But when I run the syncreplica command on both sites it shows as Target replica(s) up to date

/usr/atria/bin/multitool syncreplica -export -fship CHENNAI_1@/vobs/esam/configspecs

Could you please help on this case, somewhere I'm missing.


  • You can find two avenues to pursue in "Different epoch values":

    • either on the target side (if you have access), import any pending sync packet (multitool syncreplica -import -receive)
    • or (my solution) re-exporting the all vob: multitool mkreplica -export -maxsize 200m -nc... and importing it

    Check also the technote "Replicated VOB cannot import or export packets from scheduled jobs"

    ERROR: command './bin/multitool syncreplica -export  -fship    replica:<replica-name>@/<vob-tag> >&2' encountered error.
    Target replica(s) up to date. No export stream generated.

    In that technote, the cause was Cause a duplicate replica created on the same host.

    Diagnosing the problem

    On the host, run a multitool lsreplica -l command while inside a view and VOB context. By examining the output, you should see there is more than one replica on the same host which is invalid.

    Resolving the problem

    Contact IBM Rational Client Support for assistance in resolving this issue providing the following information:

    • Output of a cleartool describe -l vob:<vob-tag> on in the "good" VOB to obtain the actual replica name.
    • Output of a multitool lsreplica -l to get the replica name of the duplicate replica on that host. This will also identify the mastering replica.