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Use dataframe variable names in plot titles

I have a dataframe with several variables that I wish to label and then use in several ggplots. I have applied labels using the labeller package with the following code.


example.df <- data.frame( 
origin = sample(c("hum_1", "mou_1"), 100, replace = TRUE),
v1 = rnorm(100, 100, 5), 
v2 = rnorm(100, 10,5), 
v3 = rnorm (100, 25, 5))

example.df <- example.df %>% set_variable_labels(origin = "original sample", v1 = "effect of Rx", v2 = "response", v3 = "weight (kg)")

This gets the labels to show up in the dataframe. However, when I use ggqqplot from ggpubr to plot these variables I don't see the labels in the resultant plots.

vars <- dput(colnames(select_if(example.df, is.numeric)))

lapply(vars, function(item) {
   ggqqplot(example.df, x=item, combine = FALSE, = "origin")+

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

I would like to have original sample, effect of rx and weight (kg) show up instead of v1, v2 and v3. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.


  • You can give the names to vars then use either map2() or imap() functions from the purrr package to cycle through them. To include superscripts/subscripts/math notation, use expression() together with parse(text = ...) (see also these example1, example2).

    names(vars) <- c(expression('effect of Rx'^{1}), 
                     expression(weight/individual %.% kg[2])
    #>  "effect of Rx"^{\n    1\n}                    response 
    #>                        "v1"                        "v2" 
    #> weight/individual %.% kg[2] 
    #>                        "v3"
    ### from purrr package
    map2(vars, names(vars), ~ ggqqplot(example.df, x = .x, combine = FALSE, = "origin") +
           ggtitle(parse(text = .y)))
    # or `imap(x, ...)` which is short hand for map2(x, names(x), ...) 
    imap(vars, ~ ggqqplot(example.df, x = .x, combine = FALSE, = "origin") +
           ggtitle(parse(text = .y)))
    #> $`"effect of Rx"^{\n    1\n}`

    #> $response

    #> $`weight/individual %.% kg[2]`

    Created on 2019-03-11 by the reprex package (v0.2.1.9000)