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Save all string values in lowercase

I would like to lower case all string values before saving them do db.

Is there any way NHibernate can do this and how ? Also are there any performance implications that I should be aware of ?


  • One way to achieve it would be introducing custom type for conversion. Something like:

    public class LowerCaseStringType : AbstractStringType, ILiteralType
        public LowerCaseStringType() : base(new StringSqlType())
            //To avoid NHibernate to issue update on flush when the same string is assigned with different casing
            Comparer = StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
        public override string Name { get; } = "LowerCaseString";
        public override void Set(DbCommand cmd, object value, int index, ISessionImplementor session)
            base.Set(cmd, ((string) value)?.ToLowerInvariant(), index, session);
        //Called when NHibernate needs to inline non parameterized string right into SQL. Not sure if you need it
        string ILiteralType.ObjectToSQLString(object value, Dialect.Dialect dialect)
            return "'" + ((string) value).ToLowerInvariant() + "'";
        //If you also want to retrieve all values in lowercase than also override Get method

    Than you can either map required properties with this type like:

    <property name="Name" type="YourNamespace.LowerCaseStringType, YourAssemblyName">

    Or even register it as default type for all string mappings (at least it's true for latest NHibernate 5.2):

    //Somewhere before SessionFactory is created
    TypeFactory.RegisterType(typeof(string), new LowerCaseStringType(), new[] {"string", "String"});