I am working on a script that generates a MS-project plan from inside of excel. All is working fine but I have trouble setting the header and footer. It looks like I need to identify the view name, but I constantly get a runtime error 1101 or some other errors.
I am working on a danish version of MS-project (Side=Page, Sider=Pages) and according to the title of the pagesetup menu my default view is "Gantt-diagram". Also tried with "Gantt Chart" without luck.
Dim pjapp As Object
Dim newproj As Object
Set pjapp = CreateObject("MSProject.application")
pjapp.Visible = True
Set newproj = pjapp.Projects.Add
Set ActiveProject = newproj
' here I want to remove the legend (does not work)
pjapp.FilePageSetupLegendEx Name:="Gantt-diagram", LegendOn:=pjNoLegend
' here I want to set the footer
pjapp.FilePageSetupFooter Alignment:=pjRight
pjapp.FilePageSetupFooter Text:="&[Side] of &[Sider] just some text here"
' setting page to A3 format - this somehow works
pjapp.FilePageSetupPage PaperSize:=8
' here I want to setup the header (does not work)
pjapp.FilePageSetupHeader Name:="Gantt-diagram", Alignment:=pjRight, Text:="My header"
Here are a few things to try:
would cause a debug error), so declare the Project object as their native type (e.g. Dim pjapp As MSProject.Application
instead of FilePageSetupLegendEx
using positional arguments rather than the names and skip the view name argument (it will default to the current view). For example: pjapp.FilePageSetupFooter , pjRight, "&[Side] of &[Sider] just some text here"
is a reserved word in MS Project so use a different variable name there or just delete that line of code since you already have an object variable, newproj, and it is already the active project.Note: To use early binding (easier), include a reference to the Microsoft Project Object Library. To do this, in the VB Editor, go to Tools: References and check the appropriate reference (it might be listed as "Microsoft Office Project Object Library" and will include the version number--I'm using 2013 which is v15.0). Also make sure there aren't any incorrect references checked (e.g. references to the wrong version).