I'm trying to run some test in my app, but when I try to create an Account(name, type)
the result is always null
in JUnit but working properly when I run the app
class ExampleTest {
val instantExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
val trampolineSchedulerRule = TrampolineSchedulerRule()
fun createAccountTest() {
val account = Account(ACCOUNT_NAME, ACCOUNT_TYPE)
assertThat(account.name, `is`(ACCOUNT_NAME))
Is there any special way to create an Account when I run test?
I think your problem is that you are trying to perform this type of test in the test
directory, which is the one for unit tests.
In this case you are accessing a framework class so you need to put the test in your androidTest
directory where reside the instrumented tests.
In my environment this test is green:
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals
class AccountTest {
fun accountCreationTest() {
val account = Account("NAME", "TYPE")
assertEquals(account.name, "NAME")
assertNotEquals(account.name, "WRONGNAME")