There are so many reference to find minimum/maximum of all subarrays of size k but how to find nth maximum/minimum in best possible way. If we have to find just min/max of subarrays, then we can use deque solution with linear time complexity. But for nth min/max, I am not able to find the solution.
Note: n<=k
Example: arr = {7,1,4,20,11,17,15} n=2, k=4
output: 4,4,11,15
I believe the data structure you need is a little modified Binary Search Tree (BST), where each node also stores the size of it's subtree.
Adding, removing elements or finding nth element in a BST all then becomes log(K)
*. So while sliding the window over your array, you have 3 log(K)
operations, assuming total N
elements in given array, the overall time complexity is therefore N*log(K)