I try to add the "Sign in and read user profile" permission to my app, but I can't find how to do it.
Here is the code I have now
const myApp= new azure.ad.Application("myApp", {
name: "myApp",
availableToOtherTenants: false,
homepage: "https://homepage",
identifierUris: ["https://uri"],
oauth2AllowImplicitFlow: true,
replyUrls: ["https://replyurl"]
const myAppPrincipal= new azure.ad.ServicePrincipal("myAppPrincipal", {
applicationId: myApp.applicationId,
How to do the permission with Pulumi?
this is not possible, pulumi depends on terraform, and terraform has no graph resources, only ARM stuff.
new azure ad provider (right now identical to old one): https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azuread/index.html