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How to execute two function according to a table result with a condition by using mssql?

ParseValuesJson and insertToTable are user defined function.

The following is the result of the execution ( ParseValuesJson ) :

    @json nvarchar(max)=N'{
        , "Detail":{
            "Type":"Any Type"
            , "Author":{
                , "Sex":"Female"
        , "Chapter":[
                , "Title":"Hello world."
                , "Title":"Be happy."
        , "Sponsor":["A","B","C"]

    @tempTable table (
        topKey nvarchar(4000)
        , [key] nvarchar(4000)
        , IsType bit
        , IsList bit
        , [value] nvarchar(4000))

insert @tempTable  
select * from GetValuesJson(@json,default)
topKey  Key         isType  isList  Value
Book    Type        0       0       Any Type
Book    Author      1       0       {"Name":"Annie", "Sex":"Female"}
Book    IssueDate   0       0       02-15-2019
Book    Chapter     1       1       [{"Section":"1.1", "Title":"Hello world."}, {"Section":"1.2", "Title":"Be happy."}]
Book    Sponsor     1       1       ["A","B","C"]

As title, If ignore what the function doing, how can I achieve the following purpose?

If IsType=1 , I want to call function ParseValuesJson; If IsType=0 , I want to call function insertToTable.

But I found that sql case can not use like that.

This sql query may execute recursively and call different functions accordingly at the same level.

It means that I can't parse all string (ParseValuesJson) first and then insert the result (insertToTable) to the table.

Is there any other way to achieve?

    case IsType when 1 then
        ParseValuesJson('{"' + [key] + '":' + [value] + '}',IsList)
from ParseValuesJson(@json,default)



  • Well, the easiest thing to do is to split it into two separate SELECTs.

    select ParseValuesJson('{"' + [key] + '":' + [value] + '}',IsList)
    from ParseValuesJson(@json,default)
    where IsType = 1
    select insertToTable(topKey,[key])
    from ParseValuesJson(@json,default)
    where IsType = 0

    But I guess this approach won't help you since inside user defined functions you cannot use INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements -> i.e modify table data

    So I guess that to parse the JSON you'd need to user recursive CTE to parse all values first and then to insert them into temp table at once.

    Something like this:

    ;WITH ParsedJSON(topKey, [key], IsType, IsList, [value])
    SELECT topKey, [key], IsType, IsList, [value]
    FROM ParseValuesJson('{"' + [key] + '":' + [value] + '}',IsList)
    SELECT topKey, [key], IsType, IsList, [value]
    FROM ParsedJSON
    WHERE IsType = 1
    insert @tempTable  
    select * from ParsedJSON