I would like to index a very large number of strings (mapping each string to an numeric value) but also be able to retrieve each string from its numeric index.
Using hash tables or python dict is not an option because of memory issues so I decided to use a radix trie to store the strings, I can retrieve the index of any string very quickly and handle a very large number of strings.
My problem is that I also need to retrieve the strings from their numeric index, and if I maintain a "reverse index" list [string1, string2, ..., stringn] I'll loose the memory benefit of the Trie.
I thought maybe the "reverse index" could be a list of pointers to the last node of a kind-of Trie structure but first, there are no pointers in python, and second I'm not sure I can have a "node-level" access to the Trie structure I'm currently using.
Does this kind of data-structure already exists? And if not how would you do this in python?
I'm answering to myself because I finally end up creating my own data-structure which is perfectly suited for the word-to-index-to-word problem I had, using only python3 built-in functions.
I tried to make it clean and efficient but there's obviously room for improvement and a C binding would be better.
So the final result is a indexedtrie class that looks like a python dict (or defaultdict if you invoke it with a default_factory parameter) but can also be queried like a list because a kind of "reversed index" is automatically maintained.
The keys, which are stored in an internal radix trie, can be any subscriptable object (bytes, strings, tuples, lists) and the values you want to store anything you want inside.
Also the indextrie class is pickable, and you can benefit from the advantages of radix tries regarding "prefix search" and this kind of things!
Each key in the trie is associated with a unique integer index, you can retrieve the key with the index or the index with the key and the whole thing is fast and memory safe so I personally think that's one of the best data-structure in the world and that it should be integrated in python standard library :).
Enough talking, here is the code, feel free to adapt and use it:
A Python3 indexed trie class.
An indexed trie's key can be any subscriptable object.
Keys of the indexed trie are stored using a "radix trie", a space-optimized data-structure which has many advantages (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radix_tree).
Also, each key in the indexed trie is associated to a unique index which is build dynamically.
Indexed trie is used like a python dictionary (and even a collections.defaultdict if you want to) but its values can also be accessed or updated (but not created) like a list!
>>> t = indextrie()
>>> t["abc"] = "hello"
>>> t[0]
>>> t["abc"]
>>> t.index2key(0)
>>> t.key2index("abc")
>>> t[:]
>>> print(t)
{(0, 'abc'): hello}
__author__ = "@fbparis"
_SENTINEL = object()
class _Node(object):
A single node in the trie.
__slots__ = "_children", "_parent", "_index", "_key"
def __init__(self, key, parent, index=None):
self._children = set()
self._key = key
self._parent = parent
self._index = index
class IndexedtrieKey(object):
A pair (index, key) acting as an indexedtrie's key
__slots__ = "index", "key"
def __init__(self, index, key):
self.index = index
self.key = key
def __repr__(self):
return "(%d, %s)" % (self.index, self.key)
class indexedtrie(object):
The indexed trie data-structure.
__slots__ = "_children", "_indexes", "_values", "_nodescount", "_default_factory"
def __init__(self, items=None, default_factory=_SENTINEL):
A list of items can be passed to initialize the indexed trie.
self._children = set()
self._indexes = []
self._values = []
self._nodescount = 0 # keeping track of nodes count is purely informational
if items is not None:
for k, v in items:
if isinstance(k, IndexedtrieKey):
self.__setitem__(k.key, v)
self.__setitem__(k, v)
def fromkeys(cls, keys, value=_SENTINEL, default_factory=_SENTINEL):
Build a new indexedtrie from a list of keys.
obj = cls(default_factory=default_factory)
for key in keys:
if value is _SENTINEL:
if default_factory is not _SENTINEL:
obj[key] = obj._default_factory()
obj[key] = None
obj[key] = value
return obj
def fromsplit(cls, keys, value=_SENTINEL, default_factory=_SENTINEL):
Build a new indexedtrie from a splitable object.
obj = cls(default_factory=default_factory)
for key in keys.split():
if value is _SENTINEL:
if default_factory is not _SENTINEL:
obj[key] = obj._default_factory()
obj[key] = None
obj[key] = value
return obj
def setdefault(self, factory=_SENTINEL):
if factory is not _SENTINEL:
# indexed trie will act like a collections.defaultdict except in some cases because the __missing__
# method is not implemented here (on purpose).
# That means that simple lookups on a non existing key will return a default value without adding
# the key, which is the more logical way to do.
# Also means that if your default_factory is for example "list", you won't be able to create new
# items with "append" or "extend" methods which are updating the list itself.
# Instead you have to do something like trie["newkey"] += [...]
_ = factory()
except TypeError:
# a default value is also accepted as default_factory, even "None"
self._default_factory = lambda: factory
self._default_factory = factory
self._default_factory = _SENTINEL
def copy(self):
Return a pseudo-shallow copy of the indexedtrie.
Keys and nodes are deepcopied, but if you store some referenced objects in values, only the references will be copied.
return self.__class__(self.items(), default_factory=self._default_factory)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._indexes)
def __repr__(self):
if self._default_factory is not _SENTINEL:
default = ", default_value=%s" % self._default_factory()
default = ""
return "<%s object at %s: %d items, %d nodes%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)), len(self), self._nodescount, default)
def __str__(self):
ret = ["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in self.items()]
return "{%s}" % ", ".join(ret)
def __iter__(self):
return self.keys()
def __contains__(self, key_or_index):
Return True if the key or index exists in the indexed trie.
if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
return key_or_index.index >= 0 and key_or_index.index < len(self)
if isinstance(key_or_index, int):
return key_or_index >= 0 and key_or_index < len(self)
if self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
except KeyError:
return False
return node._index is not None
raise TypeError("invalid key type")
def __getitem__(self, key_or_index):
if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
return self._values[key_or_index.index]
if isinstance(key_or_index, int) or isinstance(key_or_index, slice):
return self._values[key_or_index]
if self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
except KeyError:
if self._default_factory is _SENTINEL:
return self._default_factory()
if node._index is None:
if self._default_factory is _SENTINEL:
raise KeyError
return self._default_factory()
return self._values[node._index]
raise TypeError("invalid key type")
def __setitem__(self, key_or_index, value):
if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
self._values[key_or_index.index] = value
elif isinstance(key_or_index, int):
self._values[key_or_index] = value
elif isinstance(key_or_index, slice):
raise NotImplementedError
elif self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
except KeyError:
# create a new node
self._add_node(key_or_index, value)
if node._index is None:
# if node exists but not indexed, we index it and update the value
self._add_to_index(node, value)
# else we update its value
self._values[node._index] = value
raise TypeError("invalid key type")
def __delitem__(self, key_or_index):
if isinstance(key_or_index, IndexedtrieKey):
node = self._indexes[key_or_index.index]
elif isinstance(key_or_index, int):
node = self._indexes[key_or_index]
elif isinstance(key_or_index, slice):
raise NotImplementedError
elif self._seems_valid_key(key_or_index):
node = self._get_node(key_or_index)
if node._index is None:
raise KeyError
raise TypeError("invalid key type")
# switch last index with deleted index (except if deleted index is last index)
last_node, last_value = self._indexes.pop(), self._values.pop()
if node._index != last_node._index:
last_node._index = node._index
self._indexes[node._index] = last_node
self._values[node._index] = last_value
if len(node._children) > 1:
#case 1: node has more than 1 child, only turn index off
node._index = None
elif len(node._children) == 1:
# case 2: node has 1 child
child = node._children.pop()
child._key = node._key + child._key
child._parent = node._parent
self._nodescount -= 1
# case 3: node has no child, check the parent node
parent = node._parent
self._nodescount -= 1
if hasattr(parent, "_index"):
if parent._index is None and len(parent._children) == 1:
node = parent._children.pop()
node._key = parent._key + node._key
node._parent = parent._parent
self._nodescount -= 1
def _seems_valid_key(key):
Return True if "key" can be a valid key (must be subscriptable).
_ = key[:0]
except TypeError:
return False
return True
def keys(self, prefix=None):
Yield keys stored in the indexedtrie where key is a IndexedtrieKey object.
If prefix is given, yield only keys of items with key matching the prefix.
if prefix is None:
for i, node in enumerate(self._indexes):
yield IndexedtrieKey(i, self._get_key(node))
if self._seems_valid_key(prefix):
empty = prefix[:0]
children = [(empty, prefix, child) for child in self._children]
while len(children):
_children = []
for key, prefix, child in children:
if prefix == child._key[:len(prefix)]:
_key = key + child._key
_children.extend([(_key, empty, _child) for _child in child._children])
if child._index is not None:
yield IndexedtrieKey(child._index, _key)
elif prefix[:len(child._key)] == child._key:
_prefix = prefix[len(child._key):]
_key = key + prefix[:len(child._key)]
_children.extend([(_key, _prefix, _child) for _child in child._children])
children = _children
raise ValueError("invalid prefix type")
def values(self, prefix=None):
Yield values stored in the indexedtrie.
If prefix is given, yield only values of items with key matching the prefix.
if prefix is None:
for value in self._values:
yield value
for key in self.keys(prefix):
yield self._values[key.index]
def items(self, prefix=None):
Yield (key, value) pairs stored in the indexedtrie where key is a IndexedtrieKey object.
If prefix is given, yield only (key, value) pairs of items with key matching the prefix.
for key in self.keys(prefix):
yield key, self._values[key.index]
def show_tree(self, node=None, level=0):
Pretty print the internal trie (recursive function).
if node is None:
node = self
for child in node._children:
print("-" * level + "<key=%s, index=%s>" % (child._key, child._index))
if len(child._children):
self.show_tree(child, level + 1)
def _get_node(self, key):
Return the node associated to key or raise a KeyError.
children = self._children
while len(children):
notfound = True
for child in children:
if key == child._key:
return child
if child._key == key[:len(child._key)]:
children = child._children
key = key[len(child._key):]
notfound = False
if notfound:
raise KeyError
def _add_node(self, key, value):
Add a new key in the trie and updates indexes and values.
children = self._children
parent = self
moved = None
done = len(children) == 0
# we want to insert key="abc"
while not done:
done = True
for child in children:
# assert child._key != key # uncomment if you don't trust me
if child._key == key[:len(child._key)]:
# case 1: child's key is "ab", insert "c" in child's children
parent = child
children = child._children
key = key[len(child._key):]
done = len(children) == 0
elif key == child._key[:len(key)]:
# case 2: child's key is "abcd", we insert "abc" in place of the child
# child's parent will be the inserted node and child's key is now "d"
parent = child._parent
moved = child
moved._key = moved._key[len(key):]
elif type(key) is type(child._key): # don't mess it up
# find longest common prefix
prefix = key[:0]
for i, c in enumerate(key):
if child._key[i] != c:
prefix = key[:i]
if prefix:
# case 3: child's key is abd, we spawn a new node with key "ab"
# to replace child ; child's key is now "d" and child's parent is
# the new created node.
# the new node will also be inserted as a child of this node
# with key "c"
node = _Node(prefix, child._parent)
self._nodescount += 1
child._key = child._key[len(prefix):]
child._parent = node
key = key[len(prefix):]
parent = node
# create the new node
node = _Node(key, parent)
self._nodescount += 1
if moved is not None:
# if we have moved an existing node, update it
moved._parent = node
self._add_to_index(node, value)
def _get_key(self, node):
Rebuild key from a terminal node.
key = node._key
while node._parent is not self:
node = node._parent
key = node._key + key
return key
def _add_to_index(self, node, value):
Add a new node to the index.
Also record its value.
node._index = len(self)
def key2index(self, key):
key -> index
if self._seems_valid_key(key):
node = self._get_node(key)
if node._index is not None:
return node._index
raise KeyError
raise TypeError("invalid key type")
def index2key(self, index):
index or IndexedtrieKey -> key.
if isinstance(index, IndexedtrieKey):
index = index.index
elif not isinstance(index, int):
raise TypeError("index must be an int")
if index < 0 or index > len(self._indexes):
raise IndexError
return self._get_key(self._indexes[index])