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Python ADAL acquire_token_with_client_credentials refresh token?

Is there a reason why the Python ADAL library's authentication method acquire_token_with_client_credentials does not return a refresh token? I suppose Daemon apps do not need to use a refresh token each time they run but it seemed odd to me that the other authentication methods do return one.

Code sample:

class AzureActiveDirectory_Helper:
_config = Configuration()
_resource = _config.Resource
_graph_api_endpoint = _config.Graph_API_Endpoint
_authority = _config.Authority

def __init__(self):
    self.Context = adal.AuthenticationContext(self._authority)
    self.Token = self.Context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials(

    self.Headers = {
        'Authorization' : f'Bearer {self.Token["accessToken"]}',
        'Accept' : 'application/json',
        'Content-Type' : 'application/json'

The values in self.Token do have a accessToken value and that token does allow me to do what I need against the Azure AD app but isn't it best practice to use a refresh token instead of acquiring a fresh Token every run?


  • Yes, I agree that it's a best practice to use a refresh token instead of acquiring a new fresh token every time.

    The issuance of a refresh token with the client credential grant has no benefit. That is why the RFC6749 section 4.4.3 indicates A refresh token SHOULD NOT be included.

    As per the document,"acquire_token_with_client_credentials" returns only access token.

    So to use refresh token, python adal library supports other authentication method like: "acquire_token", "acquire_token_with_refresh_token" etc. You can check the documentation.

    Below are the documentation links: