While trying to hover an item in the dropdown suggestions menu, I'm trying to make that item the activeElement
and activeIndex
. But the keyboard up/down
arrow stops working with this change. I would like to have the up/down
arrow key work as well from the activeIndex. How to do that? Here's the code i have
public itemFocus = (e: any) => {
let ce = e.currentTarget.id.toString();
ce = ce.substring(ce.length - 1);
activeIndex: ce,
activeItem: this.state.options[ce]});
with idx denoting the iterator index of results
<MenuItem onMouseOver={this.itemFocus} key={idx} option={state} position={idx}>
You seem to be on the right track, though there are easier ways to get the index and data of the hovered item. The following should work:
Note: The following solution is not officially supported by the API and could break without warning if the package internals change.
options={[ ... ]}
ref={(typeahead) => this._typeahead = typeahead}
renderMenu={(filteredOptions, menuProps) => (
<Menu {...menuProps}>
{filteredOptions.map((option, index) => (
onMouseOver={() => {
activeIndex: index,
activeItem: option,
Working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/ojz4kzn2vq