I have a string containing the starting lineup (extracted from the web) for a rugby game, it looks like this:
"Crusaders: 15 David Havili, 14 Seta Tamanivalu, 13 Jack Goodhue, 12 Ryan Crotty, 11 George Bridge, 10 Richie Mo’unga, 9 Bryn Hall, 8 Kieran Read, 7 Matt Todd, 6 Heiden Bedwell-Curtis, 5 Sam Whitelock (c), 4 Scott Barrett, 3 Owen Franks, 2 Codie Taylor, 1 Joe MoodyReplacements: 16 Sam Anderson-Heather, 17 Tim Perry, 18 Michael Alaalatoa, 19 Luke Romano, 20 Pete Samu, 21 Mitchell Drummond, 22 Mitchell Hunt, 23 Braydon Ennor"
What I want is essentially a table with two columns, one being the player's number, and the other being the player's name. e.g.
position name
1 Joe Moody
2 Codie Taylor
3 Owen Franks
4 Scott Barrett
... ...
For all players.
I've tried using strsplit
, splitting by the ","
however the problem becomes the first player:
"Crusaders: 15 David Havili"
and the number 1 and 16 merge
"1 Joe MoodyReplacements: 16 Sam Anderson-Heather".
Any ideas?
Using stringr::str_match_all() and some regex you can find and extract all matches, being careful to use non-greedy (?) operator and matching end of line where there is no comma:
ea <- "Crusaders: 15 David Havili, 14 Seta Tamanivalu, 13 Jack Goodhue, 12 Ryan Crotty, 11 George Bridge, 10 Richie Mo’unga, 9 Bryn Hall, 8 Kieran Read, 7 Matt Todd, 6 Heiden Bedwell-Curtis, 5 Sam Whitelock (c), 4 Scott Barrett, 3 Owen Franks, 2 Codie Taylor, 1 Joe MoodyReplacements: 16 Sam Anderson-Heather, 17 Tim Perry, 18 Michael Alaalatoa, 19 Luke Romano, 20 Pete Samu, 21 Mitchell Drummond, 22 Mitchell Hunt, 23 Braydon Ennor"
ea <- unlist(strsplit(ea, "Replacements: "))
tibble(jersey = str_match_all(ea, "\\d+") %>% unlist(),
player = str_match_all(ea, "(?<=\\d\\s).*?(?=.$|,)") %>% unlist())
# A tibble: 23 x 2
jersey player
<chr> <chr>
1 15 David Havili
2 14 Seta Tamanivalu
3 13 Jack Goodhue
4 12 Ryan Crotty
5 11 George Bridge